Meniscus Tear Treatment and Rehabilitation
Welcome to this article on meniscus tear. Enjoy the article and make sure to read to the end if you would like to look at the other parts to this article on meniscus tear and meniscus tear exercises. Meniscus Tear Treatment and Rehabilitation There are certain factors that should be considered when creating your meniscus…
Keys to Personal Training Baby Boomer Clients
Today I have an interview for you from Dan Ritchie on keys to personal training baby boomer clients. Enjoy! Rick Kaselj: Ok. So what would be the one thing that fitness professionals could do right now to make their fitness business more appealing to baby boomers? Dan Ritchie: One that they could do to make their business…
Exercise After C-Section with Carmen Bott
Hey this is Rick Kaselj from Today, I have another interview with a fitness professional and we will talk about injuries and exercises. We will focus on C-section. I am going to get Carmen, who is the expert person that I am going to interview today to introduce herself and we’ll get into the…