5 Core Exercises For Seniors

Core exercises are very important, especially for older adults. Our core is the key to our balance. It also helps to prevent injuries and reduce low back pain. Having a strong core is important at any age. #1 – Standing Wall Plank Begin in an upright standing position with your hands up against the wall…

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5 Reasons For A Healthy Pelvic Floor

1. Continence If you have any bladder leakage when you laugh or sneeze or a cough, that may indicate that your pelvic floor is weak at one part of the area where it helps to control the flow of your urine. The pelvic floor is like a hammock that goes from the front of your…

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5 Ways To Know If You Have Tight Hip Flexors

#1 – Tightness in the Quads, Hip, and Back Lie down and do an inventory on how you feel in your quads, hip and back area. If you feel tightness in any of these areas, there is a high chance that you have tight hip flexors. Tightness in the Quads, Hip and Back #2 –…

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