5 Core Exercises For Seniors

Core exercises are very important, especially for older adults. Our core is the key to our balance. It also helps to prevent injuries and reduce low back pain. Having a strong core is important at any age. #1 – Standing Wall Plank Begin in an upright standing position with your hands up against the wall…

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5 Reasons For A Healthy Pelvic Floor

1. Continence If you have any bladder leakage when you laugh or sneeze or a cough, that may indicate that your pelvic floor is weak at one part of the area where it helps to control the flow of your urine. The pelvic floor is like a hammock that goes from the front of your…

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5 Ways To Know If You Have Tight Hip Flexors

#1 – Tightness in the Quads, Hip, and Back Lie down and do an inventory on how you feel in your quads, hip and back area. If you feel tightness in any of these areas, there is a high chance that you have tight hip flexors. Tightness in the Quads, Hip and Back #2 –…

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5 Morning Movements!

#1 – Full Body Opener Begin in an upright standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart, maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, hips, and legs. Engage your core and bend your hips and knees to move into a deep squat, bringing your arms back. Raise back up, lifting your arms overhead and arching through…

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5 Easy Stretches to do While Watching TV

#1 – Hamstring Stretch Begin in an upright standing position maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, hips and legs. Cross one foot over. Contract your core and bend through your hips, extending both hands out to reach the floor.Hold this position for 20 seconds. Raise back up to return to the starting position and…

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4 Exercises To Fix Rounded Shoulders

#1 – Arching Over The Chair Begin in an upright sitting position on a chair, maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, and hips. Place your hands to the side at head level. Bring your shoulders back and arch through the mid-back area. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement. Arching Over The…

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5 Key Stretches To Do Before Walking in Cold Weather

#1 – Full Body Openers Begin in an upright standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart, maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, hips, and legs. Bend through your hips and knees to move into a deep squat, then raise up as you lift your arms overhead and arching your back. Return back to the…

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5 Tips To Ease Neck Tension

#1 – Self-Massage For this exercise, you can use a tennis ball, racquetball or any small ball that you can massage your neck with. Begin in either standing or upright sitting position. Press the ball against the upper thorax neck area all the way to just above the shoulder blade area. Massage the ball throughout…

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5 Stretches to Ease Disc Pain

#1 – Standing Back Arches Begin in an upright standing position. Place your hands on your lower back or upper pelvis area. Bring your hips forward then bring your head back and arch through your lower back. Return back to the starting position and repeat the movement. Standing Back Arches Start off with 1 set…

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5 Movements To Do At Work For Happier Hips

#1 – Back Arches Begin in an upright standing position. Place your hands on your lower back or upper pelvis area. Bring your hips forward then bring your head back and arch through your lower back. Return back to the starting position and repeat the movement. Back Arches Start off with 1 set of 5…

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