3 Powerful Essential Oils for Pain and Inflammation
Shyloe Fayad is Okanagan based and the CEO & Primary Wonderer at Radical Wondering Collective. An essential oil user since in the late 90’s and now an essential oil educator, in this article she discusses the 3 most powerful essential oils for pain and inflammation. This is a great article for you if you are suffering…
Mastering TRX!

What is a TRX? How do I use it? TRX stands for Total Resistance Exercises. It is a piece of equipment a person could do many different exercises with and it is super safe and effective. It can be used at home, at the gym, basically anywhere. It needs to be fastened to a beam…
5 Exercise Modifications If You Have Arthritis

A number of questions have come in from customers who have gone through the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program and the most common question is about exercise modifications when it comes to arthritis. So we will go through five exercise modifications that you can do for arthritis. The first four are exercise techniques that you…
5 Ways To Use A Foam Roller!

A foam roller is a great tool to help decrease muscle tension. If you sit, exercise a lot, or have an injury, your muscles will tighten up especially in the injured area. Tight muscles will lead to more decrease in flexibility, mobility, adhesions of muscle fibers and increase your pain. #1 – 4-Muscle Roll Move…
5 Easy Movements to Strengthen Your Glutes

#1 – Utilizing the Band Lie on your back on the floor, with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Wrap a small resistance band around your legs just right above the knee area and then press your knees out on the side for added resistance. Place both hands on your side…
Most Effective Back Strengthening Workout Summer

#1 – Cat and Cow Begin in a 4-point position, with your hands underneath your shoulders and your knees underneath your hips. Tighten your abdominal area. Round out your mid back and drop your head towards the floor. Then alternate by bringing the head up and dropping the mid back. Repeat the movement. Cat and…
5 Floor Exercises for Strengthening Your Hips (Women)

As a woman, it is important to strengthen your hips. Our hips are more mobile and dynamic than men’s and stability is important to avoid other injuries. #1 – Legs Back Lie on your stomach relaxing the upper body, neck, and shoulders. Rest your forehead on your hands so your body is in a good…
5 Awesome Hamstrings Stretches to Avoid Soreness After Exercising

Today, I will go through the 5-awesome hamstring stretches to avoid soreness after exercising. These 5 exercises cover a wide variety of people. You don’t need to do all of them. You can only pick the ones that work best for you. Why should you stretch your hamstrings? If you will look at what you…
5 Stability Ball Exercises for a Stronger Core

Inquiries about Core Stability exercises have been brought up lately in the Facebook Fan Page. Often times, a weak core causes a negative impact on the rest of the body and one example is the hip flexors. Let’s go through with 5 core exercises that you can do to target the core: #1 – Ball…
5 Bed Exercises To Loosen Up Your Hips

I would like to address this question that we received on the Facebook Fan Page and this question came from Heather saying, “Loosening my hip flexor on my right side has been one really tough challenge. I use a wheelchair for mobility which causes the flexor to shorten. Any extra idea is awesome.” How I…