5 Tricks for Happier Hips

Importance of the Hip Joint: 

Hip joint helps us move from a sitting position to standing, stabilize, rotate and perform other movements like walking or squatting. Sometimes these movements become painful and this is because the hips tighten up. The hips can tighten up in the actual joint, it can tighten up because of the tissue or the muscles around the hip joint. Sometimes stretching is not enough. We need multiple techniques to unlock the hip. A lot of times people will just ignore their hip tightness. It is very important to know that if you keep ignoring it and not addressing it, it will lead to injuries, chronic issues,  promotes sedentary behavior, and it will take you away from the things that you enjoy. Oftentimes, what we see in people is, if they have any knee pain they will start relying more on their hips. It may be a great compensation strategy but what happens with time is, their hips will also weaken. And because their hips and knees are now both being affected, they can even do less throughout the day. It’s already giving them limited mobility.

Ways To Beat And Overcome Tight Hips:

  • Stand or walk when you are on the phone.
  • Set a reminder to move around or go for a walk every half an hour, 45 minutes, or 1 hour.
  • Take the stairs instead of taking the escalator or elevator.
  • Opt for walking or riding a bicycle going to work instead of taking the bus.

These are little things but movement is really helpful and healing. You’ll notice when you’re taking these walking or micro breaks, these will help refresh, energize, and give you more clarity so you work even better when you come back. If your hips are already bothering you now, you can also do exercises or stretches in the chair.

5 Tricks for Happier Hips

#1 – Happy Baby Exercise

Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Bring your knees toward your shoulders then grab your toes to bring the knees closer to the same side shoulders. Hold the position for 5-10 seconds. Lower your legs back down to return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

Happy Baby Exercise

Start off with 1 set of 2 repetitions, ideally holding for 5-10 seconds. Perform this exercise in a smooth controlled movement with a good hold at the end position. The intensity is light. The purpose of this exercise is to stretch out the back part of the hip.

#2 – Thread The Needle

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, relaxing the upper body and shoulders. Cross one leg over then bring both knees up by grabbing the lower leg with your hands. Pull the knees closer to your shoulders in order to intensify the stretch. Hold the position for 5-10 seconds. Lower your legs back down to return to the starting position and repeat the movement on the opposite leg.

Thread The Needle  

Start off with 1 set of 2 repetitions, ideally holding for 10 seconds. Perform this exercise in a smooth controlled movement with a good hold at the end position. The intensity is light. The purpose of this exercise is to target the muscles around the hip.

#3 – Pigeon Pose

Begin in a 4-point position, with your knees below your hips and your hands beneath your shoulders. Bring one leg up and across your chest then lean your upper body against that same leg. Hold the position for 20 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement on the opposite leg.

Pigeon Pose 

Start off with 1 set of 2 repetitions, ideally holding for 20 seconds. Perform this exercise in a smooth controlled movement with a good hold at the end position. The intensity is light. The purpose of this exercise is to target those rotators of the hip.

#4 – Low Lunge With Reach

Begin in an upright standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a big step back with one leg and lower your back knee to the ground in a lunging movement. Lift your arms overhead maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders and hips. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement on the opposite leg.

Low Lunge With Reach 

Start off with 1 set of 2 repetitions, ideally holding for 10 seconds. Perform this exercise in a smooth controlled movement with a good hold at the end position. The intensity is light. The purpose of this exercise is to work on the movement or mobility in the spine and also to stretch out the front of the hip.

#5 – Yogi Squat

Begin in an upright standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, hips, and legs. Place your hands either at your side or against your chest. Looking for that stretch in the hip joints, squat down as deep as you can and sit into your hips. Lean back slightly to intensify the stretch and hold the position for 20 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

Yogi Squat

Start off with 1 set of 2 repetitions, ideally holding for 20 seconds. Perform this exercise in a smooth controlled movement with a good hold at the end position. The intensity is light. The purpose of this exercise is to stretch the hip joint further.

Take Care,

Rick Kaselj
