Is the Unlock Your Hip Flexor Program Safe for the Elderly?

On the Healing Through Movement Facebook fan page, we are getting more questions about injury and pain.

This question is from Aileen M. Do you have suggestions for older folks with muscular tendon and bone problems?”.

The answer is YES!

Some of the main exercises of Unlock Your Hip Flexor Program might be too difficult for you and some may be good for you to do. For those that are difficult to do, I recommend you do the swap exercises.

Here are two exercises that would help elderly people.

#1 – Mobility Exercise

Lie on your stomach on the floor or on the bed, resting your forehead on your hands. Maintain good alignment with your head, shoulders, and hips. Lift your upper body, pressing your forearms into the floor. Hold this position for a couple of seconds, return back to the starting position and repeat the movement.

Mobility Exercise

Start off with 1 set of 10 repetitions, holding the end position for 2 seconds. The intensity is light. The purpose of this exercise is to improve the movement of your spine and pelvic area.

#2 – Windshield Wipers

Lie on your stomach on the floor or on the bed, bending your knees. Drop your legs to one side, drop them in and repeat the movement.

Windshield Wipers

Start off with 1 set of 5 repetitions on each side. Perform the exercise in a smooth controlled movement with a good stop at the end position. The intensity is light. The purpose of this exercise is to dynamically stretch your legs.

The internal and external rotators of the hip rotate the muscles in the thigh in and out. A lot of times, these muscles are tightened up especially with older people and if you have any type of pain or pelvis issues. 

This exercise dynamically stretches the internal and external rotators of the hip. When muscles are tight most of the time your low back picks up the movement which can lead to low back pain and low back irritation.

I recommend these two exercises for older people.

So, there you go thank you very much, Aileen, for your question.

Take care

Rick Kaselj, MS
